
Turkiye’s Electric Vehicle Revolution: 4.2 Million EVs and 347,000 Charging Sockets by 2035

It is predicted that the number of electric vehicles in Turkiye will reach 4 million 214 thousand 273 and the number of charging sockets will reach 347 thousand 934 in 2035.

According to the Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure Projection prepared by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK), while the number of electric vehicles is increasing rapidly, the increase in charging points is considered a positive step for the development of the e-mobility ecosystem.

In the projection, increasing the number of electric vehicles in Turkiye and quickly expanding the charging infrastructure throughout the country is considered as a strategic goal.

While these vehicles stand out with their environmentally friendly features, they are also socially adopted.

EMRA’s projection includes three scenarios under the headings low, medium and high regarding the number of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure.

In this context, according to EMRA, in 2025 the number of electric vehicles will be 202 thousand 30 in the low scenario, 269 thousand 154 in the medium scenario, and 361 thousand 893 in the high scenario.

The number of electric vehicles will reach 776 thousand 362 in the low scenario, 1 million 321 thousand 932 in the medium scenario and 1 million 679 thousand 600 in the high scenario in 2030.

In 2035, the number of electric vehicles will increase to 1 million 779 thousand 488 in the low scenario, 3 million 307 thousand 577 in the medium scenario, and 4 million 214 thousand 273 in the high scenario.

On the other hand, an increase in the number of charging stations and sockets is expected with the development of work on charging infrastructure.

The number of charging sockets in Turkiye can reach 61 thousand 897

The number of charging sockets in 2025 is calculated as 34 thousand 278 according to the low scenario, 46 thousand 70 according to the medium scenario, and 61 thousand 897 according to the high scenario.

According to 2030 predictions, the number of charging sockets will be 83 thousand 543 in the low scenario, 142 thousand 824 in the medium scenario and 181 thousand 274 in the high scenario.

In 2035, the number of charging sockets is expected to be 146 thousand 916 according to the low scenario, 273 thousand 76 according to the medium scenario, and 347 thousand 934 according to the high scenario.

Turkiye is in good shape in terms of the number of electric vehicles per socket

In the projection prepared for the use, development and charging infrastructure of electric vehicles in Turkiye, it is predicted that the total electricity consumption from electric vehicles will vary between 3.98 and 9.39 terawatt hours in 2035.

We are witnessing a period in which the electric vehicle ecosystem is rapidly developing and electric vehicles are becoming more visible in daily life.

According to EMRA, electric vehicle charging network infrastructure plays a key role in energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction targets by forming the basis of an environmentally friendly transportation system.

In addition, the advanced energy infrastructure as well as the renewable energy potential in Turkiye offer an important opportunity to support the widespread use of electric vehicles.

While there were 14 thousand 896 electric vehicles in Turkiye at the beginning of last year, this number has reached 93 thousand 973 as of today.

On the other hand, as a result of the investments made by charging network operators licensed by EMRA, while 3 thousand 81 charging points were in service across Turkiye at the beginning of 2023, a total number of 17 thousand 233 charging points was reached as of the beginning of April, including 11 thousand 412 slow charging (AC) and 5 thousand 821 fast charging (DC).

According to EMRA, this rate is 13.75 on average in European countries, and Turkiye is in a good position in terms of the number of electric vehicles per socket.

Source: Trthaber / Prepared by Irem Yildiz

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